by admin | Feb 12, 2017 | Aircraft, Australia, Aviation, High Wing, LightWing
The first certified Australian LightWing has had a colourful history flying the Australian skies, and is still going strong. It was manufactured in 1986, with completion on the 14th of October. The first pictures we have of her are these stunning snapshots of life at...
by admin | Sep 15, 2015 | Aircraft Database, Australia, High Wing
A beautiful day for flying up in Townsville, QLD. This is aircraft#089. Thanks for sharing!
by admin | May 13, 2014 | Aircraft, Australia, hangglider, light aircraft, sport aircraft
Having had the interesting experience of teaching myself to fly in the 70’s and 80’s, with a little assistance from Wayne Fisher, and our local Ballina aviator, Gary Faulks in his Auster, I experienced most of the pitfalls a student pilot could only first hand...
by admin | Apr 1, 2014 | Aircraft, Australia, Aviation, flying school, High Wing, LightWing
Learn to fly in Tasmania with C.F.I Peter Reed. Skyflyte Aviation provides a great service with their flight training school in Wynyard (160kms north-west of Launceston in Tasmania). The company also provides services such as aircraft maintenance, aircraft sales as...
by admin | Apr 5, 2013 | Aircraft, Australia, High Wing, sport aircraft
Shown below, a drawing of the wing section of the SP-2000. We will use the same section on the Tapas high wing. Why have we included this drawing ? I hear you ask. Simple: Out of the thousands of drawings (service manual drawings, manufacturing, parts manual etc.)...