Customised Roof Racks
Customised Roof Racks
Nick at the Hanger Door
White Three Blade Prop
Black Three Blade

We’re back to Work Mate!  Can you call it work if you love it this much?! Don’t think so!

Hey, we’ve got jobs on the go, a couple of props for sale and some big projects coming up and we like keeping you in the loop.

Image 1 + 2: Tez is on the case with some customised roof racks for a big new Holden Colorado. Be sure to keep us in mind and get a quote if you’ve got any General Engineering jobs on the go.

Image 3: Nick’s checking out the racket that helicopters making while they sort out the fire fighting gear at Ballina Byron Gateway Airport

Image 4: We’ve got some Props for sale: White Three Blade Propellor – $899 with hub

Diameter: 92 inch; Multiple mounting stud pattern; Rotation: Clockwise; Ground Adjustable Variable Pitch 

We got it to mount on to an LS3 V8. New Unused. 

Image 5: Ivoprop 3 Blade Propellor – $699 with hub

Rotation Anticlockwise; Diameter: 76 Inch; Warp Drive. Mechanical Adjustable.

Listed on Facebook Marketplace and Aviation sites. Give us a bell ASAP if you’re interested. 

We’re cleaning a lot out of the shed as our new projects come to life, so if you’ve got projects underway and you might need some aviation gear, you can follow our account on facebook. Let me know and I’ll send through a link to you directly.