Hughes Engineering offers complete refurbishment services for your Australian LightWing Aircraft or aviation craft.
Call now to discuss your aircrafts registration needs, repair options, engine overhaul, paintwork update, reupholstering, re-covering flight control surfaces, installing a VIP Prop.
We are able to create a retro fit out to bring your aircraft back to the fit out it had when it was new, or an updated fit-out, with complete leather interior, iPad mount, new instruments and seats.
The options are endless.
To give you an idea of costs-
Refurbishment Break Bown:
Recover wings: Ballpark $5k to $10k
Recover Body: Ballpark $$3k to $6k
Complete Refurbishment: Ballpark $15k to $20
All prices are approximate.
+61 (2) 66868658
Customer Service
P.O. Box 89 Ballina
176 Southern Cross Drive
Ballina | N.S.W