The White SP2000-S
Two Seat, Low Wing, Nose Wheel
New Aircraft Includes Signature Variable Inflight Pitch Propeller
Two Seat | Low Wing | Nose Wheel
Featuring: Accessories Plug, Air Speed Indicator, Altimeter, Electronic Flap Switch, Elevator trim Wheel, Fuel Gauges x2, iPad mount, Manifold Pressure Gauge, Micro Air Radio, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, RPM, Strobe switch, VSI, Water Temp.
Power Plant: Rotax 912 S
Additional: XCOM VHF Radio
Optional: Cert. of Airworthiness
Cruise Speed: 118 Knots
Range: 5 Hours/500nm @100knots
MTOW: 600 kgs
Full Fuel: 120 L Wing Tanks
Wing Span: 8 Metres
Aircraft Length: 6.5 Metres
Which year was this white sp2000 built. Is the engine the newer type with 2000hrs TBO.