Australian LightWing

Hughes Engineering


Australian LightWing Spare Parts, Refurbishments, Repairs & Advice

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Light Sport Aircraft

Providing a Range of
Aviation Services and General Engineering

Hughes Engineering has been proudly designing and manufacturing light sport aircraft since 1986.

Our history began in architecture (70’s) & boat building/fish trawling (80’s),

then on to Aviation & Aircraft Design (80’s), paragliding & powered paragliding (90’s)

and arcing into the wonderful realms of solar powered vehicles (00’s), flight simulators (90’s),

telephone & computer software (00’s) and 1, 2, 4 and 6 seat aircraft design.


Aviation Spare Parts

We have a complete range of Spare Parts for the Australian LightWing Aircraft Range and a wide range of Light Sport Aircraft parts available – Email or Give us a call today.



Aviation Community

We have such a great community of hang glider’s, paragliders, powered paragliders, sailors and fisho’s. We’ve got your repairs, refurb’s and customisations covered. Check out our News Section for recent jobs.


Aircraft Repairs

We cover general repairs  or just advice over the phone, we’re here for all your Australian LightWing and Australian Light Aircraft needs.


Australian LightWing Refurbishment

We are so proud that our aircraft have been flying Australian Skies since 1986. If you’re aircraft has worked a hard day, we’re available for complete Aircraft Refurbishments. From bird’s nests in wings to engine overhauls, we’re passionate and very proud of aircraft refurbs.

Our Work

Our Recent Projects

4448 Is Flying High!

4448 Is Flying High!

A very happy Rob K writes from his airstrip in QLD Australia 4448 is back flying as sweetly as she looks. The new prop has worked out 100% . She still flies hands-off so we managed to do the re-build without causing issues with the rigging.  Many thanks for the...

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Australian Light Sport Aircraft – Spare Parts, Repairs & Refurbishments

Ballina, N.S.W

Hughes Engineering – General Engineering Services

Homebuilding Parts & Supplies

Hughes Engineering has a wide range of Pilot Supplies and ALW Merchandise, as well as a complete range of aircraft parts and raw materials to suit your every need as an Aircraft Homebuilder or an Anything Homebuilder! Check out our ever expanding range as we get all of the products on offer online, or Contact Us to enquire if something you need isn’t listed!

#aircrafthomebuilding  #buildingmaterials  #kits  #pilotsupplies  #aircraftsupply  #aircraftparts  #generalsupplies  #kitplanes #homebuilding  #kitaircraft  #lightsportaircraft  #ultralights  #microlights  #rotaxengines  #rotax912  #aircraftinstruments #projects  #design  #manufacture  #modelaeroplanes  #australia

Please Email: fly { @ }

0414 543 651

P.O. Box 89 Ballina

176 Southern Cross Drive

Ballina | N.S.W


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